Warning about the habit of “welcoming” can:cer into the body

Cancer is the fastest growing disease as well as in the world. However, many people still follow these habits despite knowing that they can cause cancer. Too much sitting, too little exercise

Too much sitting, too little exercise is a bad habit that not only threatens general health, but also increases the risk of cancer, including a high risk of 3 types of cancer including colon cancer, endometrial cancer and lung cancer. For every 2 hours of work, the risk of cancer increases.

Studies also show that when the body is in a static state for a long time, the number of immune cells becomes less. This increases the risk of colon cancer and stomach cancer. Therefore, according to ACS guidelines, adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week, preferably spread throughout the week. Spicy Food, Cancer

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) jointly researched and analyzed the relationship between diet and cancer. Studies show that consuming hot food at temperatures of 65 degrees Celsius or higher can increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, especially esophageal cancer. Accordingly, eating hot food at high temperatures can cause damage to the lining of the esophagus, leading to esophagitis, pharyngitis, and damage to the lining of the digestive system from the mouth inward. Prolonged inflammation of the liver over time can lead to cancer of the nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach…

Therefore, you should let the food cool down before eating, limit the use of spicy foods such as alcohol and beer with high alcohol content.

Eating too quickly

Office workers are the most likely to make this mistake. The reason is because the work pressure during the day is too high, causing them to spend too much time processing, so they forget about eating. However, “eating too quickly” has a small impact on the digestive system, even leading to indigestion, gastric reflux…

In addition, eating too quickly will cause saliva and enzymes to be secreted to break down food, which can easily cause bloating, flatulence, damage the digestive tract and increase the risk of cancer. cancer.

Eat overnight food regularly

Foods left overnight often produce a lot of toxic nitrites. When nitrites enter the stomach, they form nitrosamine compounds. If too much nitrosamine accumulates in the liver, it can cause poisoning and easily lead to cancer. In particular, if food is stored in the refrigerator for too long, it can also increase the nitrite content. Then, when you heat the food, it will only make this compound stick more tightly.

Therefore, it is best to cook enough food for the whole family, avoid overcooking and immediately stop eating at night to prevent the risk of cancer.

Using too many stimulants

Beer, wine, coffee… can stimulate nerve fibers, thereby affecting blood circulation and dilating blood vessels. Therefore, regular use of these types of stimulants can easily damage tissues and cells in the body, so you need to limit regular consumption.

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